Sie sind hier: Startseite Solar Energy Engineering Brückenmodule Brückenmodul für MINT-Bachelor …

Brückenmodul für MINT-Bachelor und breite MINT-Master

Die Photovoltaik-Industrie agiert in einem internationalen Umfeld. Den Studierenden werden aktuelle Inhalte realitätsnah vermittelt. Mit Dozenten und Mitstudierenden haben sie die Möglichkeit sich international zu vernetzen. Dafür wird das Curriculum Solar Energy Engineering weltweit angeboten, Studierende aus der ganzen Welt zugelassen und die Kurse in englischer Sprache gelehrt.


This module covers the fundamentals of mathematical and physical methods and gives a basic introduction into electrical engineering. It provides a strong base in PV-relevant semiconductor processing and solid state physics. This module is introduced by a motivating course which covers economic and political aspects of renewable energy generation in general and photovoltaics in particular.

The module prepares students for the contents of the photovoltaic specific modules.

Learning Goals

  • The Global Energy Needs in a Nutshell
    This module provides comprehensive knowledge regarding the fundamentals of the global energy needs in the future. All kind of renewable energy systems will be introduced and discussed with special focus on photovoltaic systems.
  • Mathematical Methods
    This course provides an introduction to the mathematical methods that are a prerequisite to understand energy conversion principles and to perform research
  • Physical Methods
    The aim of this course is to discuss on a rather basic level some of the fundamental physical principles relevant to the understanding of the working and technology of photovoltaics. This involves the areas of thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics and quantum mechanics.
  • Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics
    This course introduces mathematical fundamentals and models of electrical engineering which are required to understand how PV systems (DC), electricity grids (AC) and power electronics converters operate. Topologies such as the buck‐converter, boostconverter, single phase and three‐phase inverter will be explained in detail.
  • Semiconductor Devices and Processing Technology
    This course provides an introduction to the fundamental processes that are required to produce semiconductor devices. Basics in semiconductor physics and devices will be developed.
  • Solid State and Semiconductor Physics
    This module provides comprehensive fundamental knowledge regarding the physical properties of semiconductor materials. Solar cells are solid electronic devices made from silicon, germanium, carbon, GaN and other semiconductor materials.

Pilot Phase and Administrative Information

The concept for this module was developed within the project “Solar Energy Engineering”. Study regulations and examination regulations were issued in February 2013.


30 ECTS credit points within 2 semesters (equivalent to 50% part-time studies)
